청성유발전위를 기록하는 데 사용되는 단기지속 자극음의 교정 |
김진동 |
부산가톨릭대학교 보건과학대학 언어청각치료학과 |
Calibration of Short-Duration Stimuli Used in Auditory Evoked Potentials |
Jin-Dong Kim |
Department of Speech and Hearing Therapy, College of Health Science, Catholic University of Pusan, Busan, Korea |
Correspondence |
Jin-Dong Kim ,Tel: +82-51-510-0844 , Fax: +82-51-510-0848, Email: jdkim@cup.ac.kr
Received: September 25, 2017; Revised: November 2, 2017 Accepted: November 3, 2017. Published online: January 31, 2018. |
Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) are measured for auditory threshold estimation and neuro-otologic assessment and are generally evoked by short-duration signals. The purpose of this paper is to provide information about the calibration of short-duration stimuli for the recording of AEPs. Since there are no national standards concerning the measurement of short-duration stimuli, calibration of short-duration stimuli are introduced in reference to the newest version of international standards. Especially, the behavioral and physical calibration of clicks and tone-bursts used in the AEP system for early AEPs are focused on and explained. Two of the recent international standards (IEC 60645-3:2007, ISO 389-6:2007) can help to guide the calibration of short-duration stimuli. In these standards, the reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels based on the peak-to-peak equivalent sound pressure level (p-p.e.SPL) is defined as the calibration value of clicks and tone-bursts. We need to quantify the level of short-duration stimuli using the p-p.e.SPL approach. However, some researchers have found that even these standards are still lacking or inadequate. This paper will provide useful information about the calibration of short-duration stimuli to technicians and audiologists who regularly check the AEP system. It is also important to understand additional measures (peak SPL, baseline-to-peak equivalent SPL) for quantifying short-duration stimulus levels. |
Key Words:
Auditory evoked potentials, Short-duration stimuli, Peak-to-peak equivalent sound pressure level, Behavioral calibration, Physical calibration. |