Mandatory components of the manuscript:
1. Manuscript layouts: Manuscript should be prepared in following orders;
1) Review paper and Brief communication: Title page including authors’ information, abstract, keywords, introduction, subdivisions, conclusions, ethical statement, acknowledgments, funding, references, table and figure legends.
2) Research paper: Title page including authors’ information, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussions, ethical statement, acknowledgments, funding, references, table and figure legends.
3) Clinical case: Title page including authors’ information, abstract, keywords, introduction, case report, discussions, ethical statement, acknowledgments, funding, references, table and figure legends.
2. Language: Text should be written in fluent, plain, readable English or Korean.
Title page:
Components: The title page must contain all of the followings; clear title having less than 20 words,
running title, name and affiliation of all authors, and information of the corresponding authors
(address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address).
Abstract and Key words:
1. Words count: Abstract should have no longer than 250 words.
2. Number of key words: Up to five key words or phrases suitable for use in an index can be given.
Format: Text is written in 12 point fonts with double line spacing on A4 paper.
Style: References are described following current rules of the Audiology and Speech Research.
Figure and Tables:
1. Format: Cite in numerical order as they are first mentioned in the text using English. Figure and tables should be self-explanatory, and the data they contain must be duplicated in the text. Also abbreviations should not be used and present tense must be used for the description.
2. Figure resolution: Authors should guarantee the quality of figures as the current rules of journal.