General Guidance | > For Authors > General Guidance |

Thank you for choosing 『Audiology and Speech Research (ASR)』. Please take your time to read and follow the instruction before your manuscript submission.
- 1. About the Journal
Audiology and Speech Research(ASR) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original research with high-quality. All manuscripts are required to provide novel and updating issues pertinent to the journal’s aim and scope. Please see the Journal’s Aim and Scope.
- 2. Regulation of Authorship
Either to add new author or to change the author order is not permitted after your manuscript has been submitted. If authors feel there are any reasonable reasons to change the authorship, send the official letter to the Editor-in-Chief. For the basis of our regulation, please follow the relevant COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) flowchart for more details.
- 3. Copyright Transfer Agreement
Korean Academy of Audiology reserves the right to exclusive publication of all accepted manuscripts. It has the right of publication, distribution, and printing to Audiology and Speech Research and other media. Authors are required to upload copyrights and author disclosure form during esubmission. To sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement from all authors is necessary requirement for the publication of the manuscript in the last stage of online submission.
- 4. Right Protection for Animals and Human Subjects
If animals or human subjects have participated in the study, the authors must state that methodology and experimental procedures of the study was approved by either Institutional Animal Care Use Committee (IACUC) or Institutional Review Board (IRB), respectively. This statement should be included in the “Ethical Statements” at the end of the manuscript. We have the right to reject manuscripts that have animals or human subjects without specific information of ethical approval such as consent form, approval number, and so on.
- 5. Article Publishing Charges
There is no submission charge as such, only the article publishing charge after the paper is accepted for publication. The minimum article publishing fee is shown the following table. The article publishing charges invoiced to the corresponding author are added by 10% VAT. Authors will be additionally charged for additional pages(+8 pages), color illustration and/or reprints of their works, and the manuscript managers will ask the corresponding author about purchasing intention before payment.
Track | KAA members | Non-members |
Regular track | 300,000 won | 400,000 won |
Fast track | 400,000 won | 500,000 won |