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Audiology and Speech Research > Volume 13(3); 2017 > Article
Audiology and Speech Research 2017;13(3): 251-256.
Published online: July 31, 2017.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/asr.2017.13.3.251
초고막형 보청기를 통한 폐쇄효과의 감소와 전화 사용 및 미용상의 만족도 향상 사례
김광재1,2, 이경원1, 방정화1
1한림국제대학원대학교 청각학과
2히어링 허브 센터
Case Study of Reducing the Occlusion Effect and Improving Telephone Usage and Cosmetic Satisfaction by Invisible-in-the Canal Hearing Aids
Kwang Jae Kim1,2, Kyung Won Lee1, Junghwa Bahng1
1Department of Audiology, Hallym University of Graduate Studies, Seoul, Korea
2Hearing Hub Center, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Junghwa Bahng ,Tel: +82-70-8680-6933, Fax: +82-2-3453-6618, Email: bahng.jh@gmail.com
Received: June 29, 2017; Revised: July 10, 2017   Accepted: July 10, 2017.  Published online: July 31, 2017.
One of the main complaints in hearing aid users is the abnormal perception of their voices, which is known as occlusion effect. Open fit hearing aids, for example, receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) hearing aid type is a good solution to the occlusion effect. However, here, two subjects avoid using RIC due to cosmetic unsatisfaction and difficulty of using a cell phone. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of reducing the occlusion effect and improving cell phone usage and cosmetic satisfaction using invisible-inthe- canal (IIC) hearing aids.
Two hearing impaired listeners who used bilateral RIC type hearing aids participated. IIC hearings were manufactured. Functional gain, real ear insertion gains, word recognition scores and a subjective hearing aids benefit questionnaire were assessed with RIC and IIC hearing aids, respectively. Subjective occlusion effect was also measured.
There were no differences in functional and insertion gains between two types of hearing aids. Participants did not complain the occlusion effect with IIC hearing aids.
Although RIC hearing aids have an advantage of reducing the occlusion effects in both participants, they preferred to wear IIC hearing aids due to comforting of using a cell phone and cosmetic reasons. Results of the current study showed objective and subjective functions of RIC and IIC hearing aids were not different each other in both participants. The RIC hearing aid type, open-fit hearing aid, is not the only one option for reducing the occlusion effects; audiologists should consider the individual’s needs.
Key Words: Occlusion effect, RIC hearing aid, IIC hearing aid, Telephone use, Cosmetic satisfaction
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