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Audiol > Volume 2(2); 2006 > Article
Audiology 2006;2(2): 95-101.
Published online: December 31, 2006.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2006.2.2.95
당뇨병과 청각장애:당뇨병성 청각 신경병증
홍빛나1, 강동호2
1남부대학교 언어치료청각학과
Diabetes Mellitus and Hearing Impairment
Bin-Na Hong1, Tong-Ho Kang2
1Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Nambu University, Gwangju, Korea
2Oriental Pharmaceutical Development, Nambu University, Gwangju, Korea
Correspondence  Bin-Na Hong ,Tel: (062) 970-0213, Fax: (062) 970-0213, Email: habina2@hanmail.net
Received: October 7, 2006;  Accepted: November 15, 2006.  Published online: December 31, 2006.
The objective of the review study was to assess whether a relationship exists between diabetes mellitus (DM) and hearing impairment. And we would investigate the cause of hearing impairment under diabetes mellitus. At the beginning of 1990, there were not several evidences, but there were many evidences of hearing loss by diabetes mellitus at the late of 1990. In the clinical study, hearing impairment was due to duration of DM, hyperglycemia, aging, and poor control of DM. There are many peripheral sensory nerves including auditory sensory nerves all over the body. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is recognized as the most common complications of DM. Auditory neuropathy in diabetic peripheral neuropathy is often characterized by normal thresholds, present otoacoustic emission, poor speech discrimination, absents acoustic reflexes, absents or abnormal auditory brainstem response waveform. It may be needed to ABR (auditory brainstem response) test for the early detection of hearing impairment under the diabetic complications.
Key Words: Diabetes mellitus·Hearing impairment·Diabetic peripheral neuropathy·Auditory neuropathy·ABR.
중심단어: 당뇨병· 청각장애· 당뇨병성신경병증· 청각신경병증· ABR.
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