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Audiol > Volume 3(1); 2007 > Article
Audiology 2007;3(1): 9-16.
Published online: June 30, 2007.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2007.3.1.9
소음 특수건강진단 청력정도관리의 경과와 실태
한국산업안전공단 산업안전보건연구원
Development of Korean Audiometric Quality Control Program for the Special Health Examination
Kyoo-Sang Kim
Industrial Safety & Health Research Institute, KOSHA, Incheon, Korea
Correspondence  Kyoo-Sang Kim ,Tel: (032) 510-0823, Fax: (032) 518-0862, Email: kobawoo@kosha.net
Received: April 20, 2007;  Accepted: May 23, 2007.  Published online: June 30, 2007.
The accuracy of audiomertric results of noise-exposed workers came out to the main issue on occupational health from late eighties. The discrepancy of the results for same person from different medical providers made the diagnosis for occupational diseases be unreliable. Pure-tone audiometric test can be influenced by technical as well as biological variables, and the quality control of test has been stressed as an important part of hearing conservation program. Therefore, the Korean audiometric quality control program for the special health examination was performed by the Industrial Safety and Health Research Institute in Korea, 1996. This study was conducted to evaluate the current status of audiometric testing program in workers’ health examination, and the variability of test results when quality control is not achieved. It was investigated the current status of facility, equipment, and man power of the organization of hearing measurement and then reviewed the quality control program to check the applicability to meet the development of quality control program. Audiometic quality control program about periodic special examination agencies and examiners will continue to be needed and also the evaluation of hearing loss should be performed and controlled using accurate criteria. This will reduce the error among examiners and results in individuals by means of a standard that is capable of being accurate and reliable.
Key Words: Audiometry·Quality control·Noise·Special health examination.
중심단어: 청력검사· 정도관리· 소음· 특수건강진단.
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