바우처(Voucher) 시스템과 청각서비스:지역사회 서비스 혁신사업 중
『2008 장애아동 재활치료서비스사업』과제 중심으로 |
구성민 |
한림대학교 일반대학원 청각학전공 |
Voucher System and Audiologic Services:2008 Rehabilitation Programs for
the Impaired Children in Local Social Services Reform Projects |
Sungmin Koo |
Graduate Program in Audiology, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea |
Received: October 20, 2008; Accepted: November 28, 2008. Published online: December 31, 2008. |
Recently, government initiated the voucher system which was based on bottom-up approach in mass-customized services. This
system has been in its initial stage with several social service issues. This article reviewed the key features of this voucher system and
evaluated problems in the related current reports available to the potential service providers (2008). Finally, important issues were
discussed with special references to audiologic services and the current voucher system to improve social services for the hearing
impaired children, their parents, and audiologists. |
Key Words:
Voucher system·Audiologic services·Aural rehabilitation·Audiologist. |
바우처제도· 청각치료지원서비스· 청각재활· 청능사. |