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Audiol > Volume 2(1); 2006 > Article
Audiology 2006;2(1): 65-71.
Published online: June 30, 2006.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2006.2.1.65
감각신경성 난청인에서 청성지속반응 역치와 순음청력역치 비교
이지연1, 김진숙2, 박홍준1
2한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부
A Comparison of Auditory Steady-State Response Thresholds to Pure Tone Thresholds in the Sensorineural Hearing Impaired
Jee-Yeon Lee1, Jin-Sook Kim2, Hong-Joon Park1
1Soree Ear Clinic, Seoul, Korea
2Division of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
Correspondence  Jee-Yeon Lee ,Tel: (02) 542-5222, Fax: (02) 542-5207, Email: savvy17@hanmail.net
Received: May 3, 2006;  Accepted: June 15, 2006.  Published online: June 30, 2006.
Currently, the auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) are widely recognized as the most effective evoked potential test. However, ABRs are limited by restrictions on maximum presentation levels (90 dBnHL) and by subjective interpretational process for determining threshold. To compensate those limitations auditory steady- state responses (ASSR) is recently developed. The goal of this study was to compare the degree between ASSR thresholds and pure tone thresholds in the sensorineural hearing impaired. Multiple auditory steady- state responses were evoked by eight tonal stimuli (four per ear), with each stimulus simultaneously modulated in both amplitude and frequency. The modulation frequencies varied from 66 to 99 Hz and the carrier frequencies were 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz. 40 normal ears and 65 sensorineural hearing impaired ears participated. The differences between ASSR thresholds and pure tone thresholds in the sensorineural hearing impaired and the normal hearing were 15.0±8.3, 12.4±8.5, 12.4± 8.0 and 16.2±9.1 for 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz carrier frequencies, respectively. The correlation coefficients were 0.966, 0.969, 0.972 and 0.958 for each frequency. The differences between ASSR thresholds and pure tone thresholds in the sensorineural hearing impaired were 7.6± 13.3, 0.2±12.3, 1.0±12.9, 1.2±16.3 for 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz carrier frequencies, respectively. The differences between ASSR thresholds and pure tone thresholds in the normal ears were 18.5±7.2, 17.0±8.0, 15.8±7.6, 20.3±8.2 for 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz carrier frequencies, respectively. The correlation coefficients were 0.160, 0.105, 0.224 and 0.202 for each frequency. Further, the sensorineural hearing impaired group was divided into two groups, pure tone average (PTA) lower than 100 dB and PTA higher than 100 dB. The differences between ASSR thresholds and pure tone thresholds in the sensorineural hearing impaired higher than PTA 100 dB were -1.3±13.2, -9.1±10.4, -9.2±10.6, -12.7±11.6 for 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz carrier frequencies, respectively. The differences between ASSR thresholds and pure tone thresholds in the sensorineural hearing impaired lower than PTA 100 dB were 14.3±8.9, 7.3±8.4, 8.8±8.2, 11.6±10.6 for 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz carrier frequencies, respectively. These results indicate that ASSR testing to be extremely helpful in the evaluation with the sensorineural hearing impaired especially with the sensorineural hearing impaired higher than 100 dB. The ASSR method provides good estimates of the degree of hearing in individuals with the sensorineural hearing impaired.
Key Words: Auditory steady-state response (ASSR)·SNHL.
중심단어: ASSR· 감각신경성 난청.
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